Photo Journals

We all know great photographs can tell a story that can’t always be told with the written word alone. In addition to enticing written stories, PlayStayEat is dedicated to bringing our readers photographs and videos that add enormously to the education and entertainment of our readers. 

Join us for our “Photo Journals” that present some fantastic photographs that bring destinations to life.

Here’s one example, with many more coming in the future.

Click here to see the Photo Journal for 

Colors of Kauai 

Sand and surf of Kauai (and a dog!)
The Kilauea Lighthouse and Wildlife Refuge on Kauai
Colorful Birds in Hawaii

Submission Guidelines for Photo Journals

  1. 10 – 20 quality photos
  2. Each photo needs to be high quality and be something viewers would say “Wow!” or “Cool!” or “Fantastic!” We don’t want blah photos that don’t provide something special to our readers.
  3. All photos need to be edited, taking special notice of Brightness, Shadows, Saturation, and Sharpness. Don’t over edit, but tweak until you get the best results.
  4. Photo size should be 200 KB. For rare exceptions, include a short explanation with your photo about why it should be different.
  5. Name all photos with a caption that explains the subject and location of photo. The caption will be visible for each photo in the photo gallery.
  6. Include a short paragraph or two to give the reader an introduction and some relevant background information. Include a link to your website if you wish.
  7. Submit short text document with Introduction and all photo files in one Dropbox folder titled PlayStayEat [Destination] Photo Journal to [email protected].